The 2 Percent

The 80:20 rule applies to and works with almost everything. In the past I have declared that these days it’s more like 90:10. Within that there are the 2 percent…of people. The ones who get it all right. I don’t mean they do everything right, or have it all figured out. I mean the ones who dance through and maximize life.


Why not? What are we holding on to? What is there really to lose? Really? Conquer the fear. It’s a recurring theme of this blog. But it’s not about having conquered it. Those 2 percenters haven’t conquered it. It’s about conquerING it. The process. Say yes. Leap. Lean in. Break the cage. See what’s possibleFigure it out. That’s the journey toward happiness as a state of being, not just a mood.

Liking Change. Act in spite of fear. Abundance. Confidence. Basking in the discomfort. Getting the most out of life. Embracing the unknown. Going for your dreams. Outside the box. Excitement. Exploring new things. Living without limits. Giving the most to life.

Your comfort zone: Be like others. A dull life. Fear. Surviving. Insecure. Procrastination. Getting by. Play it safe. Regret.


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